Mission Statement

We aim to fight back against bigotry, intolerance and the global rise of right wing politics by using music, art and community organising to create safe spaces for marginalised people and to foster a more inclusive and supportive society. Using aggressive political punk rock we aim to bring people together in rage and frustration. We make noise as resistance, we shout to come together in solidarity and direct our anger towards creating radical change. Longing for a time that music could change the world we aim to create safe spaces for people to come together and support each other in care and acceptance and love.

pink suits are committed to supporting the awareness and growth of a diverse DIY punk scene and therefore avoid playing on bills that are only made up of white, straight, cisgendered bands. If your line up is lacking in diversity and is not representative of women, LGBTQIA+ and punx of colour then we encourage you to book bands that are more representative of the diversity within the UK music scene. Especially, we ask that you not ask pink suits to play on all white line ups and instead seek to make your bill more racially diverse. Feel free to get in touch for recommendations of bands that reflect a more intersectional punk ethos.